
Why Do Young Voters Hate Mayor Pete?

This writing is "stolen" Why Do Young Voters Hate Buttigieg? The answer is not as complicated as it seems Mark Weiss Follow Dec 16, 2019  · 6 min read South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg. | Scott Olson/Getty Images Derek Thompson of  The Atlantic  recently wrote a piece in which he theorized about why young, progressive voters appear to loathe Pete Buttigieg. The 33-year-old journalist was puzzled as to how we haven’t gravitated to Mayor Pete  on the basis of age alone: This level of is vitriol is confusing [sic], for several reasons. Buttigieg, 37, would be the youngest elected president in American history. Nobody ought to vote for Buttigieg (or anyone, for that matter) just because they almost share a birth date. But one might think that historic youthfulness would be enough to buy him at least, say,  three whole percentage points  of the national youth vote. I’d like to fi...

Mayor Pete Helping Out

From Donald Zimmer, an ER doctor in SB, which is right across the river from Mayor Pete’s house. "Here is the story again of how I met Mayor Pete: happy to shar e if it convinces people to support to his campaign: The first time I met Mayor Pete I was working in the ER, very shortly after finishing my residency and moving back to South Bend. I was caring for a little Somali boy who had nearly to hanged himself. We had no Arabic translator immediately available that could help me talk with his mother, and we were working on getting one of the phone translation services when a young man in a suit showed up and just started translating. I assumed the hospital had found and sent down an official translator because translators at the hospital where I did my residency training always wore suits. The boy was gravely ill, and I did not bother to ask who the new translator was, but he spent about an hour with the mother and I, just helping me talk with her about his treatment and his...

Mayor Pete - on Racism ("stolen")

Here is a comprehensive list of South Bend’s efforts towards racial justice and equity under Pete Buttigieg JS Follow Jun 25  · 13 min read “Intention went into getting things the way they are, and so it’s going to have to go into fixing it” —  Pete Buttigieg on The Breakfast Club Throughout his campaign, Pete Buttigieg has stressed the importance of reversing systemic racial inequality— built over centuries through intentional racist policies—with intentional and targeted anti-racist policies. Asked following his recent South Bend town hall whether he’s done enough, or anything at all, to put this into practice as mayor, he stated: “I don’t want to seem defensive, but we have taken a lot of steps. They clearly haven’t been enough. But I can’t accept the suggestion that we haven’t done anything.” To fact-check this statement, I decided to pull together a comprehensive (but not necessarily complete) list of Buttigieg’s work ...